Thursday, October 28, 2021

Into the Dark

     It seems fitting that this time of year would lend itself to reconnecting with the page.  It seems like forever since I have truly felt comfortable putting words to thoughts.  Fits and stops is a little too generous to describe the tiny effort put forth since those years ago.  So much time has passed.  The last years have definitely been a mischievous mix of tricks and treats, leaning mostly on the side of tricks.  These fingers are rusty and sometimes miss their mark but I am committed to getting them back into condition.  Time has not stopped and neither have the adventures and mishaps.  My only concern is the ability to recall them all.  And so, a new chapter hopefully begins.

    The new chapter is one of reflection or maybe just a flashback scene during a movie before fast-forwarding. It will recount all the marital hardships and triumphs covering the last few years.  Throw in the tortured high school years and graduation during a pandemic with incessant testing, enough to make an entire family's collective noses sore.  Lost opportunities at camp, at school, at life, stunting the maturation of young minds, never to be recaptured.  A company turned sour, tainted by the poison of greed and corruption, led into history by the children and grandchildren of entrepreneurs that no longer remembered the legacy of building things and only the wealth they were left to squander will lead us into a new chapter.  In order for new things to begin, some old ones need to end and I hope this stands true in this case.

    Times may be tough right now.  The world may be a scarier, darker version.  It is the right time.  That time of year, in the in-between time, when spirits were believed to be closer to us than at any other time of year.  Perhaps is is the perfect time to begin again, to listen to the spirits and tell the tales of times gone and times ahead.  Into this darkness is the right way to start, instead of sheepishly waiting for that "perfect" moment, make one and jump right in.

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