I can honestly say I hold no regrets. I wear each scar proudly. I bear each pain with a good sense of accomplishment. I earned each and every one. These aches have built me a family, founded a family farm, and gave me all I could ever ask for. I know this aging body has a lot left in it and I fully intend to squeeze every last breath of life out of it before I am done.
However, looking forward, I will not waste anymore energy on useless pursuits. I refuse to sacrifice my pain for the ignorance of others. My experiences were too hard won to be given lightly over to the undeserving. I will keep this body strong for my growing daughters, and the trials (and bad dates and stupid boys) that lie ahead of them. I will keep this mind sharp for the challenges of establishing a legacy for my family, both young and old. I will keep my heart true for the love that stands the test of time beside me. I will not go quietly into....anything.
The years behind me are gone but the memories will linger for a long time, hopefully not just in my mind but in all those who were a part of those memories. The years ahead are all memories in the making, and I fully intend to have them linger long after I have faded away.
Happy Birthday
To all the years ahead
and the memories that are on the horizon.
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