Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Seasonal Friends

Thoughts from a Hunting Journal
(Part V)

           For a short time, our hunting party grew and there were several seasons that saw an eight person "hunt".  We hunted with Danny (the wanna-be cop who eventually became one) and Chester (the twin), Drew (the chain-smoker who tried), Tony (the fishman that wanted to hunt), Steve M. (the old truck driver), all friends and quirky.  Danny would carry so much ammo that he sank in the marsh and couldn't get out.  Drew would shoot anything, usually at close range, and leave only feathers, and shoot the feathers again for good measure.  Tony was easily distracted and would work the field edges of the line until he wandered off only to be seen again for lunch.  And lunch was Steve's nap time until we headed home.  Chester liked to four-wheel the trails but didn't like the leaves touching his Jeep. 
            The years were good and the seasons near comical.  A bird a piece was a good take and I cleaned them all.  (This was a chore of much distress for the "hunters".)  Those were good years.  They started in the early '90's.  Pheasant season was the time of year my brother, Jason, and I actually saw eye to eye.  We had many close moments in the woods during that time, hiking, hunting, and just talking.  We spent so many weekends hunting back then that the rest of our friends, the "hunters", all applied for their hunter education cards.  They all went together and happiness ensued.
            By 1995, my parents had bought 50+ acres in Laurens, NY, right between Cooperstown and Oneonta.  A raw piece of land for hunting in rural NY.  It was shotgun country on top of a hill that swept into a valley.  My parents and I both bought our first ATV's to explore this paradise.  We bought wall tents and expedition tents, and spent every chance we could four hours from the city.  Deer came back into the picture and they were here to stay.  Laurens, NY became Stress Mountain and that became Deer Camp.

            Thank you for following along in my early exploits as a young hunter.  I thought it appropriate to share some stories during this time of year.  The story continues but for now it is time to be in the woods.  This blog has been interrupted for the end of hunting season.  When it returns so will thoughts on the "real" world and the woods will be left behind for now.


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  3. Stopping by from Tales from TammyLyne. Love your story - thanks for sharing :)


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